As announced in our later editions yesterday, the Isthmian Canal Treaty, which has been rapidly negotiated between Mr. Hay (United States Foreign Secretary) and Senor Bunau-Varilla (the representative of the new Panama Republic) was signed at Mr. HayÕs residence at Washington on Wednesday night. The Panama Commission has arrived at Washington. It has been decided that the treaty shall be ratified at Panama between December 7 (by which time the Commissioners will have returned to Panama) and December 12. Colombia recently despatched a special embassy to Washington, with power to negotiate immediately upon a Canal treaty, but according to a telegram from Galveston (Texas) these envoys have been detained in quarantine there since Sunday, and were still there yesterday. During that period the treaty with the new Republic of Panama has been completed and signed. For the right of constructing the Canal, for the territory which is to be ceded, and for other concessions the United States are, it is understood, paying the new Republic £2,000,000. This was the original sum which the United States originally offered to Colombia for a lease of the Canal route, but in addition there was to be an annuity of £50,000. Colombia refused these terms. The test of the new treaty had not been made public up to yesterday afternoon, but it is known (ReuterÕs correspondent telegraphs) that Panama cedes to the United States in perpetuity whatever land or lands throughout the Republic are found to be desirable in connection with the building, operation, or maintenance of the Canal, and also grants the United States absolute sovereignty over a strip eight to ten miles wide on each side of the Canal. Permission is given to the United States to fortify a police line. The terminals, the cities of Panama and Colon, are to retain municipal autonomy under the Republic so long as they maintain order and sanitation to the satisfaction of the United States. Failure to observe these conditions gives the Untied States the right to enforce strict compliance with its wishes, and even to use force to compel obedience. The treaty further provides that the Canal shall be neutral and open to ships of all nations on even terms. President Roosevelt has not yet decided as to when the treaty shall be submitted to the Senate for ratification, but he will, it is understood, withhold it for the present in order that its consideration may not interfere with the legislation pending at the extra session of Congress.